Tuesday, April 7, 2009

God Moments 2: Southside Mission Trip

It was great having the Youth Mission Trip from Southside up. There are a 100 great stories ranging from Chic-Fil-a Guitar Guy, Playing Outburst in the Garage, and Bowling for Missions.

Two of my favorite stories are:

1. My friend Chuck Brown and I were going to a local apartment complex to ask if we could put door hangers on the doors. We already guessed the answer would be no, but it never hurts to ask. Just as we thought, that request was met with a resounding "No". But then it was as if God whispered something in the manager's ear, she turned around and said maybe you can do something for the kids here in the club house! Wow! We were invited by the apartment complex's manager to come back Wed. night and do a kid's activity night and hand out our flyers. That night Bruce Thompson and I did a magic show, we handed out popcorn, and did face paint. The kids loved it. But the coolest part of the night was all the apartment kids hanging out afterwords and singing worship songs with the mission team. It was a God Moment.

A few weeks later I was at a local church and a kid came up to me and said "Your the magician," I smiled.

2. The Super Door Hanger: We hung literally 1000 door hangers on Wednesday. Several of the door hangers were put on empty houses. We figured that you never know what might happen. Sure enough, 3 weeks later I get a call about the new church. I asked them where they had heard about us and they said last week they were looking at a house that was for sale and our door hanger was still there!

God Moments 1: Answered Prayers

A couple of cool God moments and answered prayers since our last Newsletter:

In our last newsletter we put down some "need" requests:

1. 37,000 Phone Calls - $3500
Answer: This need was answered by a diverse group of people and churches giving anywhere from $100 to $1000! It was the most incredible outpouring of support as friends from high school, pastor friends, churches that we had come in contact with all joined together. We raised this money in 4 days!

2. Starter for the Truck $400
Answer: This one was all God. I went out one day and just had the crazy idea that maybe God had fixed our truck. The truck had been dead for over a month and had not responded at all when we tried to jump it off in December. But this time, I got in and turned the key and it started. Not only did it start but it has kept on starting for a couple of months now. I'm sure there is a mechanical explanation but I like to think God just decided that we needed our truck to work.

3. New Computer $500
Answer: Two computers. That's right. We had a good friend come and visit us from Texas. He said he had a gift for us and he brought in two brand new computers.

4. Living Expenses for 4 months
Answer: Well here it is April and we haven't missed a pay check yet! We're not exactly sure where the next pay check comes from but everyone has been so generous and God has been so good!

5. Business Cards and a Block Party
Answer: We've done them both!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Good News/OK News and a Immediate Need

Hey every one! Well, today will go down as one of those Good News/OK News days in the brief history of the Crossbridge Community Church.

The Good News is really good and the OK news isn't that bad.

The Good News is that our funding request for start up funds was approved by the Tennessee Baptist Convention!!! TBC has decided to put up considerable start-up funds for the Crossbridge Community Church. These funds will help us pay for block parties, preview services, mail outs, equipment, and community events for this summer as we ramp up to the launch in September. It greatly improves our ability to reach out to the Smyrna/LaVergne area! I'm so excited to see God provide this way.

The OK News is that our request for personal monthly support through the TBC was only half way met. We asked for $2000 a month for the 1st year and it looks like we'll receive about $850 a month. Now this isn't bad news. I'm am so thankful for the $850. That's over $10,000 TBC will be investing in us personally this year not counting the start-up money. God is Good!

But, we will have to figure out how to make ends meet. Rebecca and I have both put resumes out for extra jobs and we are waiting to see what happens. I actually had an interview this morning for one possibility. It will take a bit for us to find these alternate streams of income so the big need will be over the next two months.

The Immediate Need with the lower number than we had hoped for from TBC and a pretty hefty tax bill due on the 15th, we are going to come up short of our needs by about $1200 this month (and possibly the same for the next month). So if God has been stirring anybody to give, now would be a good time. Every little bit helps and adds up.

When you give you will be partnering with us and the vision of creating a new church focused on the 100's and 100's of young families that have moved into the Smyrna/LaVergne are of Tennessee.

You'll give us the ability to keep meeting and recruiting new families. So far we have gathered 5 strong families and have another 10 families that are very interested. I'm having coffee with two new families this week to discuss the joining the launch team.

You'll be giving us the time to plan the out reaches, the block parties, the kids events, and the preview services and vision meetings.

Thanks for considering partnering with us!


Click here to donate

Friday, April 3, 2009

That's My Storm!

I read the story of Jesus calming the storm this morning in Mark chapter 4.

It hit me that when Jesus stopped the storm and replied "why were you so afraid" basically he was saying " Didn't you know this is my storm. I can stop it and start it anytime I want. If it is here, it is because I have allowed it to be here. If you trust me, then you don't have to fear."

It's kind of hard for me, just like the disciples to be able to grasp this: The Storms are His!

I wonder what would happened if Jesus had not stopped the storm, was there something else that the disciples would have learned if they would have just trusted Jesus.

I can have peace, not because the storm stops, but because I trust the one who can stop the storm.

When the pressure hits I'm just going to imagine Jesus saying "That's my storm" and then I'm going to just keep trusting that the Storm Maker is in control.

FBC Cordele GA

I got to meet Scott Alexander from FBC Cordele GA yesterday. He's bringing a group of middle schoolers up June 13th to do some leg work for the new church. Our goal is to do 3 events (block party, Chick-fil-a Family Night, apartment outreach) and to put door hangers on over 2000 homes in the the 3 days they are with us.

God just keeps sending cool people and churches to partner with us.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Hanging Out At Bethesda

Well April is now here and this will be our first month that (if things stay like they are) more money will need to go out than we have money coming in. In other words, we're broke.

Rebecca is trying to get a job, I'm trying to do more fundraising.

The cool thing is that my Bible Reading today was on the story of the lame man at the Pool of Bethesda in John 5.

Jesus just entered in his life, basically said "Do you really want this." The man says yes (in my opinion using all the wrong words but apparently that didn't matter.) And then Jesus said "Get Up." That was it. Boom and everything changed. He didn't have to , but this time He did and there was no question of who just intervened.

It's really cool to think that any circumstance plus Jesus can equal the perfect time for Him to just blow us away.

Now we are not going to stop exploring all the possibilities of what God wants us to do to raise funds for the new church. But, I'm praying that this time is a "Bethesda Time" in our lives.

I think God is asking us "Do you really want this." and in my totally inadequate way I'm telling Him yes with all the honesty and sincerity I can. And now we're going intentionally watch to see if this is one of those times He wants to do something cool.

He doesn't have to, He may not, but if He does, they'll be no question of who just did it.

I'll try to keep you guys up on what happens over the next two weeks.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Live Your Faith, Share Your Life

We've started meeting with 3 other families every Sunday for prayer and Bible study. Can I tell you how refreshing it is just to hang out with people and laugh and pray and sing. We share about what God is doing in our lives, our faith walk. And we are strengthened by how God is working in each other lives. That's Church!

I heard a great quote the other day. I pastor got tired of hearing people say "we need to share our faith" and coming up with a program to help us do it. It all seemed so mechanical. So he came up with the line "Live your faith, share your life."

I love this. If we are daily living our faith and then intentionally sharing our lives, the result is much more authentic transferal to others of what God is doing in our lives.