Monday, July 21, 2008

First Post

Well this is my first time ever to Blog. Kinda exciting. I figured if anything it would be self theraputic to journal our journey to the launching of The CrossBridge Church.

Currently we are getting the house ready to sell and I'm casting the vision every time I get a shot. I've been saying that we are going to start a church, but right now there is no money and no people. Well I can't say that anymore. This Sunday I preached at Colonial and I had one family walk up and give me a $1000 check, so we now have money! Later that afternoon a young couple we know told us God had told them that they were supposed to move to Tennessee with us and plant CrossBridge, so we now have people!

I'm spending some time trying to leverage my FaceBook to connect with some old friends. Hopefully this weekend we will put our house in Wichita Falls on the market, we will send out our first newsletter and we will have a basic website up and running.

A graphic artist friend of mine is working on a logo so I hope to let everyone see it this week.

Well that's all for my first post, I'll try to keep everyone updated.
