Friday, January 23, 2009

Initial Results of the Phone Blitz

Sorry I haven't updated the blog. The phone blitz has been incredible. The final numbers came in and we have 213 people who said they wanted more info! I've spent the last week calling each one of those and then getting a mail out ready to send them and updating the website for them to look at.

The next step will be to call them all back again next week and invite them to an information meeting in February.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

How the Phone Calls are Working

Last night we received an excel file with 83 names of people that received are phone call, listened to the entire message and then left there name and address to get more info.

We also received voice files so that we could actually here what all 83 people said. Most of them were just them saying and spelling their names and addresses, but a couple would say some very encouraging things.

It was so interesting trying to visualize the person connected with the voice.

We'll receive an updated file all this week as the phone campaign continues to call all the phones that didn't answer.

Our next step will be to call each person back and reconfirm their address and then send them a brochure.

After the brochure we'll call them back one more time and we will have a great idea of who is really interested.

This should be about a 3 week process. Keep up the prayer cover.
Thank You Tuesday prayer team. You've covered yesterday wonderfully. We think there is going to be another 30-40 names coming in this afternoon and we still have 2-3 more days. Feel free to pray on another day :)

Lonnie King
Kimberly Harris
Sarah Wonder
Josh Wonder
Cari Rae Fetters

The Tuesday Goal!!!

Hey everyone it's Wednesday morning and here's the result of the weekend fundraising:

$3420!!!!! Okay we were about $80 short but I know there's still a few people out there praying, so I think we are going to top the mark.

But if it stopped right here... $3420 dollars in 4 days is definately a God thing.

Thank you guys so much!!!!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

This Could Get Exciting-$3500 by Tuesday #6

Oh yeah! $200 more this morning.

We are only $600 to reach the $3500 mark!

Guys you are an incredible blessing to us.


Monday, January 12, 2009

This Could Get Exciting-$3500 by Tuesday #5

Okay it Monday at 3:30 and we just had another $600 come in for the phone calls! That means we are only about $800 short of our goal. We need 2 more at $350 and 1 more at $100.

God just keeps on surprising us.


Sunday, January 11, 2009

This Could Get Exciting-$3500 by Tuesday #4

It's Sunday morning and we just got word back from one of our prayer support churches that they want to throw in $350!

That puts us at 6 out of the 10 spots covered! Over halfway and we still have 2 days left. In a little over 2 days we have had $2100 come in.

I'm getting God bumps!


Saturday, January 10, 2009

This Could Get Exciting-$3500 by Tuesday #3

All right, it's Saturday day after first posting...and we're half way there!!!!

Since yesterday morning we have had $1700 donated.

Today we had an old high school friend and good friend in Houston join the team to make the phone calls happen.

We're still have a long way to go but we have a couple of churches that are going to bring it up.

God is really cool.

Friday, January 9, 2009

This Could Get Exciting- $3500 by Tuesday #2

Read the last post for all the info!

We've got our first $350 contribution!

We only need 9 more! This is going to be cool to see God provide for this one.

This Could Get Exciting- $3500 by Tuesday

Hey guys, the 35,000 phone calls begin Tuesday. These are the calls that will basically kick-off The Crossbridge Community Church with the simple statement: "There is a new church forming in your area, for more information press 8." If statistics hold true, 150-200 people will press the #8 and from that we will begin gathering the core group for the new church!

The only problem is the church that we were hoping was going to donate the money to help pay for the phone calls, does not look like they are going to be able to help.

So we have to very quickly start looking for other funding sources!

We're looking for 10 businesses, small groups, churches, or individuals to donate $350.

We are also gathering groups of 10, so if you could donate $35 we'll put you together with 9 other people to form a group.

We'll keep you updated on the number of groups we've gathered and how close we are to the goal through the weekend and the first of next week.

And then next week we'll start letting you know about what God did with the phone calls.

Just think, you could quite honestly be a huge part of starting The Crossbridge Community Church.

Dontate here at the website or go straight to the donation page

Can we find the 10 giving units by Tuesday- this could be exciting.