Sunday, February 22, 2009

I love Technology

This blog entry is being done from my igoogle account. With all the gadgets I can check email, post to my twitter account, and post to my blog account, all from one page. Technology is just incredible.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Phone Blitz Story #4

God kind of slapped me around last weekend. I had been returning some of the phone calls and kind of dreading calling back the ones that seemed older. The Crossbridge is going to be more contemporary in it's worship style and I just kept thinking that an older generation would not be interested in that.

Saturday night we went to a very contemporary church in Murfreesboro. As I looked out over the crowd I saw just an incredible number of gray hair worshippers. It really caught me off guard.

I stopped singing and just thanked God for people who have walked with Him for decades and still have a desire to be a part of a church reaching this generation.

I pray that our church will have many of these "senior" saints to model a true walk with God for all the middle aged parents and especially the young "whipper snappers".

I'm excited to see the incredible people who God will draw to our church that I might have just written off.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Phone Blitz Story #3

Talked with a young man named Jackson. He was raised Protestant and his wife Catholic. When they first got married they tried finding a church that they both liked but never could so they just stopped going. They now have a 3 and an 8 year old and he realizes that as the Dad he has the responsibility of helping his kids connect with God. He's excited that maybe a new church is something both him and his wife can join.

When I hung up the phone, I thanked God. This is exactly who we felt God had sent us to. Young families that had disconnected from church. It makes me want to work even harder to make Crossbridge a church that reaches out to families like this, that gives them a safe place to reconnect, and then gives them the tools to go deeper in their relationship with God.

Stories from the Phone Blitz 2

It's crazy what God does when you step out in faith. Of all the things I thought we would get from the phone calls, this was not one of them.

On the Wednesday of the phone blitz I get a call from Ken Russum. Ken had heard about our calls, googled the name of the church and got my cell number and called me. He and his wife were former church planters living in Smyrna and wanted to meet me, Rebecca, and the girls.

After talking with Ken for a while it turned out that he and his wife Pauline had lived in my hometown and knew my Dad!

We've now visited with the Rusum's twice and they have already become such a huge blessing and encouragement to our family.

God continues to surprise us.

Stories from the Phone Blitz

One of the first return phone calls I made was to a lady named Sheree. When I introduced myself on the phone she got so excited. She said that she was going to have a medical procedure the next day and she was laying on her bed crying to God for just some assurance. At that moment the phone rang and it was me! I was able to pray with her and check up on her once. Whether Sheree ever becomes a part of The Crossbridge or not it sure was cool to be used by God to give a hurting person some reassurance that he is there!

Sorry Guys

Wow I'm getting bad about updating the blog. I'll start catching everyone up now.

When last I posted, we had just done 37,000 phone. 213 people responded and asked for more information.

Another 6,000 people listened to the entire message but decided not to leave more information!

We've called all 213 people back and have sent them an brochure (it's posted on under downloads if you want to see it.)

I've now started calling all 213 agian for the second time to invite them to an information meeting on Feb 24th at the Hilton Garden Inn in Smyrna!!!