Friday, April 3, 2009

That's My Storm!

I read the story of Jesus calming the storm this morning in Mark chapter 4.

It hit me that when Jesus stopped the storm and replied "why were you so afraid" basically he was saying " Didn't you know this is my storm. I can stop it and start it anytime I want. If it is here, it is because I have allowed it to be here. If you trust me, then you don't have to fear."

It's kind of hard for me, just like the disciples to be able to grasp this: The Storms are His!

I wonder what would happened if Jesus had not stopped the storm, was there something else that the disciples would have learned if they would have just trusted Jesus.

I can have peace, not because the storm stops, but because I trust the one who can stop the storm.

When the pressure hits I'm just going to imagine Jesus saying "That's my storm" and then I'm going to just keep trusting that the Storm Maker is in control.

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