Monday, April 6, 2009

Good News/OK News and a Immediate Need

Hey every one! Well, today will go down as one of those Good News/OK News days in the brief history of the Crossbridge Community Church.

The Good News is really good and the OK news isn't that bad.

The Good News is that our funding request for start up funds was approved by the Tennessee Baptist Convention!!! TBC has decided to put up considerable start-up funds for the Crossbridge Community Church. These funds will help us pay for block parties, preview services, mail outs, equipment, and community events for this summer as we ramp up to the launch in September. It greatly improves our ability to reach out to the Smyrna/LaVergne area! I'm so excited to see God provide this way.

The OK News is that our request for personal monthly support through the TBC was only half way met. We asked for $2000 a month for the 1st year and it looks like we'll receive about $850 a month. Now this isn't bad news. I'm am so thankful for the $850. That's over $10,000 TBC will be investing in us personally this year not counting the start-up money. God is Good!

But, we will have to figure out how to make ends meet. Rebecca and I have both put resumes out for extra jobs and we are waiting to see what happens. I actually had an interview this morning for one possibility. It will take a bit for us to find these alternate streams of income so the big need will be over the next two months.

The Immediate Need with the lower number than we had hoped for from TBC and a pretty hefty tax bill due on the 15th, we are going to come up short of our needs by about $1200 this month (and possibly the same for the next month). So if God has been stirring anybody to give, now would be a good time. Every little bit helps and adds up.

When you give you will be partnering with us and the vision of creating a new church focused on the 100's and 100's of young families that have moved into the Smyrna/LaVergne are of Tennessee.

You'll give us the ability to keep meeting and recruiting new families. So far we have gathered 5 strong families and have another 10 families that are very interested. I'm having coffee with two new families this week to discuss the joining the launch team.

You'll be giving us the time to plan the out reaches, the block parties, the kids events, and the preview services and vision meetings.

Thanks for considering partnering with us!


Click here to donate

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