Wednesday, January 14, 2009

How the Phone Calls are Working

Last night we received an excel file with 83 names of people that received are phone call, listened to the entire message and then left there name and address to get more info.

We also received voice files so that we could actually here what all 83 people said. Most of them were just them saying and spelling their names and addresses, but a couple would say some very encouraging things.

It was so interesting trying to visualize the person connected with the voice.

We'll receive an updated file all this week as the phone campaign continues to call all the phones that didn't answer.

Our next step will be to call each person back and reconfirm their address and then send them a brochure.

After the brochure we'll call them back one more time and we will have a great idea of who is really interested.

This should be about a 3 week process. Keep up the prayer cover.

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