Monday, December 22, 2008

The Search for the Support Church

In December I began my search for a local support church. This is a must for any funding organization. A local support church is a church in the area that supports your vision for planting a church and is willing to back you with finances, people, resources and prayer. I have had several "pastorial" friends who have said I could put their church down as a support church so I could get funding from the Tennessee Baptist Convention but that they wouldn't be able to really help us with any support at this time.

I feel God that if God has given us this vision, then he's stirring a church somewhere in Tennessee to the same vision. My job is to find them.

Over the last two weeks I've begun to emailing every church in the area trying to meet and get to know as many pastors as I can. I haven't found that LSC yet but I've got to eat a bunch of free lunches.

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