Thursday, March 5, 2009

It's nice when they call.

Last night I had another call from someone who had got our phone call but could not make it to the meeting.

Since the phone blitz I have 6 people call me to tell me how interested they are in the new church. At times I am amazed that not only are people being drawn to what God is doing but some are being DRAWN to what God is doing.

I guess my biggest prayer is that I don't somehow mess this thing up.

Please pray for me not to procrastinate.

Please pray for protection for my wife and my family.

Please pray for energy for me.

Please pray for boldness.

Day One

I've asked God for today to be "Day One". As I look back over the last four months I see God has done some incredible things but I also feel like I've been holding back. I think God is going to do incredible things whether I'm fully vested on not...but what if I just went all out over these next 6 months. How much more would I be able to enjoy what God is going to do? What if over the next 6 months I Loved God, Loved Others, Loved my Family, with everything I had. I mean we've taken this faith step, why hold anything back? Why not leave "it all on the matt"?

I calculated the days of my life this morning: 14,615! But I'm going to reboot. Today is "Day One".